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Frequently Asked Questions
How is ShareScape different from other patient records software?
ShareScape not only stores and protects your medical records, it also manages the stages of communication between multiple parties. Where other patient records software allow for cloud storage and access, our software directs the various members to expedite claim processing instead of waiting for them to come view and receive documents.
I am a Law Firm, is there a charge for using the ShareScape portal?
No, there is no charge to the Law Firm. We ask that in exchange you provide updates to the cases on a regular basis through the portal.
How do I know which Medical Providers are working with ShareScape?
Once you login, you will see which Medical Providers are currently sharing with your Law Firm, because ShareScape works best when all of the Medical Providers are sharing, please let us know, along with the Medical Provider, which Providers you would like to see on your portal.
I am a Law Firm and I want all of the Medical Providers I work with to be on this amazing can I accomplish this?
The more Medical Providers that are on the portal, the more access you will have. Please contact us at help@ and let us know who you would like to see on the portal.
I am a Medical Provider, is there a charge for using ShareScape?
Yes, the fee is inexpensive, especially when compared to the cost of the staff needed to service law firms. The charge is based on the volume of patient accounts and also the integration level with your EHR. Please contact us to get a price quote.